Things to know when using a BCA card : HpSamsung

6 easiest ways to check the BCA credit card limit

Knowing at least 6 ways to check your BCA credit card limit can enhance your  insight  from the users or loyal customers of this bank. BCA is one of the banks that provide the best service and has many users in Indonesia. This bank always provides convenience to every user.

In using any credit card, it is very important for users to know how to check the limit. If not, it may be that the transactions used exceed the limit. If this happens, users will find it difficult. So, learn the method below as well as possible.

6 Ways to Check BCA Credit Card Limit

There are a number of tips designed for those  of you who need to know the limits or limitations of the card.  All the methods range from the simplest way to the most practical way to the maximum extent possible.  From the bat itself, here’s how.

  1. SMS Banking

The users of every bank should be well aware of this. Including for BCA customers. You can check what your credit card limit is by sending  an SMS via the Format Bill (Space) Access Code (SPACE) credit  card number.


  1. M Banking

How to check the limit of 6 BCA credit cards can also be accessed by m Banking. To get this application, users need to register themselves at the nearest branch office. Just run this application and find the transaction menu.   You can enter your credit card number and press the PIN to get limited information.


  1. Halo BCA

If the customer wants to use this method, he must generate credit in advance.  You can contact the callcenter 500888 for information about credit card limits or limitations .


  1. By mobile phone

The most interesting thing about BCA is that it can check the limit through mobile phones. One  of the six ways to check your BCA credit card limit can be accessed via a mobile phone.  You can dial *141#. Then, continue by selecting the Number 2 credit card bill. àà


If you have too many  credit cards,  continue by selecting all types of cards  . Or, customers can also select bills per card menu. Later, all users will get a notification related to the extent of their card.


  1. Click BCA

To check this way, customers can first visit website. However, you must  enter your username and password from Internet Banking to get the billing  information menu


  1. Come straight to the BCA office

If the customer has time, come to the branch office. This is one of the  6 easiest ways to check your BCA credit card limit and can be done by anyone. Later, just ask customer service about the information you want to get.

How to create a BCA credit card

Having a  credit card  can sometimes be used as a solution for some people to overcome the problems of their lives. However, how to use it should also be correct. Therefore, customers will not get into bad things. BCA also provides attractive credit card services to use.

When using it, without a doubt, 6 ways to check the BCA credit card limit must still be dealt with. Therefore, the customer will not slip into error. For new users, how do I use this credit card?

First of all, the customer should apply for it.  The conditions to be met when you are about to apply are id card, income information, current account photocopy and npwb preparation. All this data will be queried by BCA customer service when you make a delivery.

From the bat itself , you can then go to the officer with the steps below.

  1. Fill out the form
  2. Fill in the complete biodata
  3. Fill in Family Biodata
  4. Fill in the nominal of basic pay
  5. The bank will track and process it. Later, you will be contacted to perform the next procedure.

It’s not too complicated, is it? Therefore, you can consider using it. It is very easy to use and credit cards can  also be used  to pay for various needs.

Things to know when using a BCA card

Have you found out about 6 ways to check your BCA credit card limit  ?  This will really help its users to use it every day. There are a lot of interesting things to do if  you  are a customer of this bank.

Many types of transactions can be done easily without getting complicated. However, you must understand how to use it. Otherwise, without a doubt, you will feel confused when you are going to make a transaction.

  1. Place

Please note that not all locations  provide machines to operate BCA credit cards. Then, don’t show carelessness while using it. Some places can only serve MasterCard. Make sure there is a credit card machine in place when you are going to use it.


  1. Find the number of limits

6 ways to check your BCA credit card limit when  you shop will be very useful. First of all, you have to make sure that the limit is still sufficient to make a purchase. Do not give the PIN to the seller and be sure to keep the grocery receipt as the rest of the limit will be listed on your card.


  1. Online shopping

Online shopping has become a very mushrooming thing in the public. A lot of people here are doing this every day. In fact, this card can be used at various online stores from buying goods, paying for tickets and doing more to shopping online.

You will feel safe and comfortable if you already know about some of these things. Make sure that all information related to the use of the card is known so that there is no confusion while using it.

 Types of BCA Credit Cards You Need to Know About

What type of BCA credit card do you use? Well,  in addition to knowing the information related to the 6 ways to check the BCA credit card limit,  you also have to choose the correct card. Each card has its own advantages. Not every jug is the same as the boundaries of a card. In fact, the requirementsshould also be different.

There are different cards to choose from and use.

  1. Visa Card

For such a credit card, the limit reaches 24 million and the cash withdrawal limit can be increased to 4 million per day. It is highly recommended for those of you who transact with a large nominal.


  1. Mastercard

If you are one of those people who travel or travel frequently, MasterCard is the best solution. This limit reaches 20 million and the annual cost is quite affordable, which is only 125 thousand rupees.


  1. BCA card

This type of credit card  is available in a wide selection of native ai from platinum, Indomart card, and everyday card. All these cards have their own advantages. For the platinum type, it obviously has the highest limit compared to other varieties.


As far as the daily card is concerned, it can be used to make purchases related to daily needs.  The Indomart cards are used to get various promos at Indomart as the card is actually in association with Endomaret and has even been issued by Indomarte.

The use of credit cards in daily life has become common.  You can use it as much as possible and wisely. Just use it to the best of your ability so as not to be confused with mountain installments.  Be sure to know about  6 ways to check your BCA credit card limit  from now  on.

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